Leonardo generates 4.5M images daily with Next.js and Vercel

Learn how Leonardo.Ai leveraged Vercel to fine-tune performance in the face of rapid scale.

Generating more than 4.5 million images a day, Leonardo.ai merges artificial intelligence with creativity to transform content creation across industries like gaming, marketing, and design.

The platform enables users to fine-tune AI models for generating customized, style-consistent assets. Initially aimed at game developers, Leonardo.Ai has broadened its scope, empowering artists and professionals to leverage AI for streamlining workflows, and expanding the capabilities of AI in creative work.

Navigating growth and technical scalability

Leonardo.Ai's rapid growth in the last year also brought significant technical challenges.

With over 100,000 sign-ups in early 2023, and 200,000 more waiting to be onboarded, the platform faced challenges in development cycles, maintaining system stability, and delivering performance at scale with their original solution. On this setup, Leonardo.Ai experienced long outages and 60-second load times due to pages not being properly cached.

With an increasing user base and the continuous introduction of new features, Leonardo.Ai needed a solution that could keep pace with their innovation while providing a seamless experience for creators using their platform.

Switching to Vercel transformed our workflow at Leonardo.Ai, cutting build times from 10 minutes to just 2 minutes. Vercel didn't just speed us up; it changed how we innovate.
Peter Runham, Co-Founder & CTO

Reprioritizing the developer experience

After an extensive evaluation process, Leonardo.Ai’s decision to move their web app to Vercel was driven in large part by the platform's clear DX strengths over their previous solution.

Vercel’s collaborative capabilities, such as Preview Deployments, have markedly improved team efficiency by streamlining the feedback loop, making it easier for stakeholders to collaborate and test new features. This has contributed to major boosts in iteration optimization.

Previously struggling with build times of more than 10 minutes, the shift to Vercel has reduced this to as little as 2 minutes. This acceleration has not only sped up deployment, but also significantly reduced the overall time to market, enabling Leonardo.Ai to iterate and launch new products in just 1–4 weeks—a stark contrast to the months they spent previously.

Additionally, the use of Vercel Monitoring has enhanced Leonardo.Ai's ability to swiftly identify and resolve issues in serverless functions. With real-time insights into application performance, the team can quickly address issues before they impact users.

Focused creativity through performance and reliability

Since adopting Vercel, Leonardo.Ai has reduced page load times by 95% with superior caching functionality and an efficient content delivery network. As such, a more responsive and reliable site has directly improved user experience.

With Vercel, Leonardo.Ai successfully addressed key challenges in development, stability, and performance, enabling the team to concentrate on creating new AI technologies and workflows that transform creative processes across industries. The partnership with Vercel emphasizes Leonardo.Ai's commitment to delivering a robust, user-friendly platform that empowers creators and innovators worldwide.


Build times


Reduction in page load times

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Build times


Reduction in page load times

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